Université de Montréal

Welcome to the 180 Degrees Consulting branch at the University of Montreal. We offer premier, impactful consulting services to non-profit organizations and social enterprises throughout the Greater Montreal area. We take pride in our collaboration on mandates with esteemed entities such as IBM's pro bono initiatives and Accenture's AOTC. Committed to aiding socially conscious entities, we provide quality yet affordable consulting solutions. Our goal is to assist these organizations in crafting innovative, actionable, and enduring strategies to address their unique challenges.

Our areas of expertise include enhancing financial sustainability, optimizing operational efficiency, and fostering data-driven decision-making. We assist in formulating robust business plans, designing impactful programs, and assessing social impact. Additionally, we provide guidance on refining human resource management, improving volunteer recruitment strategies, bolstering branding, marketing, and determining organizational priorities.

Benefits to joining this branch


Develop Consulting Skills

By joining our 180DC, you will gain hands-on experience working with clients on real-world problems. You will learn essential consulting methodologies, analytical frameworks, and problem-solving techniques, honing your abilities in project management, communication, and strategic thinking.


Foster Social Impact

Our consulting branch is dedicated to creating positive social impact by working with non-profit organizations, social enterprises, and impact-driven businesses. By being a part of our team, you will contribute to meaningful projects that aim to improve the lives of others and create sustainable change in various communities. This experience will help you develop a strong sense of social responsibility and a deeper understanding of the role businesses and organizations play in addressing societal challenges.


Build Professional Network

Being part of our consulting branch provides opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals, industry professionals, and experienced consultants. You will develop strong relationships, learn from their expertise, and expand your professional network, paving the way for future career opportunities and collaborations.


Enhance Leadership Abilities

At our 180DC branch, you will have the chance to take on leadership roles in various projects and initiatives. This will allow you to develop critical leadership skills, such as effective delegation, decision-making, team management, and interpersonal communication, all of which are invaluable in any professional setting.

Contact details

2900 Edouard Montpetit Blvd, Montreal, Quebec H3T 1J4

Latest Case Studies

Coming soon.

Leadership Team

Anthony Gagnon

Co-Chairman of the Board & Co-Founder

Maxence Prieur-Couture

Co-Chairman of the Board & Co-Founder

Adam Messaoudi-Ohayon

President & Co-Founder


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Become a 180DC member

Want to make a difference while gaining valuable skills? Join 180 Degrees Consulting and become part of a global network of social impact leaders.

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Work with us

Interested in working with a team of smart, driven consultants that will help you address key challenges you are facing? Explore our different services offerings, and reach out to us for a discussion - we look forward to speaking with you!

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Become our Partner!

Are you interested in partnering with 180 Degrees Consulting to further our mission of enabling non-profits and social enterprises to scale their impact, while empowering the next generation social impact leaders? Reach out to us for a discussion.

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